The Center for Biological Diversity has a wide range of (mostly US-based) features on biodiversity issues. Some of it makes gloomy reading.
Here are couple of recent features:
That Wall
Study: Trump’s Border Wall Threatens 93 Endangered Species. If Trump’s border wall is built, it’s going to put 93 endangered species in harm’s way, from jaguars to ocelots to Mexican gray wolves. That’s the key finding of a new study released this week by the Center for Biological Diversity. Our study also found that 25 of those species have protected “critical habitat” on the border, including more than 2 million acres within just 50 miles of it. Construction of the proposed 1,200-mile-long wall — plus its infrastructure and related law enforcement — would cut off wildlife’s migration corridors; reduce their genetic diversity; destroy habitat; and add vehicles, noise and lights to vast stretches of formerly wild and beautiful borderlands. “Trump’s border wall is a disaster for people and wildlife alike,” said Noah Greenwald, the Center’s endangered species director. “It could drive magnificent species to extinction.” Read more and access the study in our press release.
Antibiotics as Pesticides
The Center and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future have asked the Environmental Protection Agency to turn down a pesticide company’s request to permanently approve oxytetracycline — a medically important antibiotic — for use as a pesticide on citrus crops. “Since tens of thousands of people are dying every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections, it’s outrageous that the EPA is allowing, and may even expand, the use of this antibiotic as a pesticide,” said the Center’s Hannah Connor. Read more in our press release