NAAEE says that Wild Pedagogies: Touchstones for Re-Negotiating Education and the Environment in the Anthropocene
- Examines the concept of wild pedagogies as the geological epoch shifts to the Anthropocene
- Analyses the potential of wild pedagogy for the present and future
- Proposes six touchstones that can help educators and practitioners incorporate wild pedagogies into learning
The DfID funded, UK wide Global Learning Programme (GLP) came to an end on 31 July. A new programme, the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) programme is being launched in September and is jointly funded by the British Council and DfID and will replace both the GLP and the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms. The CCGL programme aims to help build long-term relationships between schools and communities in the UK and developing countries. The aim of is to equip pupils in both the UK and developing countries with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live and work in a global economy and to take action on global issues. You can register your interest in the programme on the British Council website.
The Geographical Association is accepting entries for its 2019 GA Publishers Awards which recognise resources that make a significant contribution to geography in schools and/or colleges. More information can be found on their here. The deadline for submitting entries is 6 December with winners announced at the 2019 GA Annual Conference.
The South west learning for sustainability coalition has a new website and Facebook site. The Coalition’s key roles are:
- Developing a coherent framework within which ESD initiatives and services can be located.
- Pro-actively sharing ideas and experiences across the region and with other regions.
Giving the ESD movement a ‘voice’, a sense of solidarity and a stronger means of influencing policy makers and those who monitor and fund learning.
The Guardian reports that more national parks could be created after the environment secretary, Michael Gove, announced plans for a review of protected areas. The review will also consider (AONBs and will look at how they can bolster wildlife, improve visitor access and support people who live and work there. Mr Gove said the UK’s growing population and a decline in certain habitats meant it was time to re-examine the system in England. There’s more detail here.
Target4Green is a community centered company that supports schools across the world in their ESD activities and works with companies in the creation and initiation of effective educational and CSR Programmes. Target4Green aims to bring the elements of sustainability together through practical workshops, seminars, team building, presentations and experiential learning opportunities. More detail here.
The GA is looking for session proposals for its 2019 Conference. The main programme will run over Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 April at the University of Manchester. You can find out how to propose a session here.
The GA’s International Special Interest Group’s next study tour will be a journey to India on approximately 27 July – 11 August 2019. This will include visiting the two very different and contrasting regions of the north and south of India. To discover more and register an interest contact Susan Knight at
Cornell’s Open On-line Course “Civic Ecology: Reclaiming Broken Places” will run again in the Fall. Participants of this online course explore the people, places, and practices that restore nature and revitalize neighborhoods. Colleague and environmental educator Marianne Krasny and her team at Cornell University have been running this course successfully for a few years now and the topic is more timely then ever. The content connects with a some excellent publications which Krasny and her team have put together recently and published with Cornell University Press. Including – just out – Grassroots to Global: the broader impact of civic ecology and Urban Environmental Education Review (edited by Krasny and Russ).
Dates: Sept 18 – Nov 5. More info – Registration – Course Trailer
The latest from NHBS Grapevine is here. This includes a selection of new conservation books including the Mammal Society’s summary of the conservation status of Britain’s mammals, an analysis of the global biodiversity crisis and a handbook covering the use of drones for practical conservation. The NHBS blog recently featured an interview with Faith Anstey, author of the recently published Start to Identify Grasses, as well information about National Insect Week which ended in June.