This blog post was was co-authored by Sarah Mitchell and Malcolm Nicholson, and first appeared in July’s Circulate Newsletter.  It begins:

“The traditional economy is based on a linear business model where increased consumption leads to higher growth, more production and subsequently to bigger profits.  The circular economy incorporates a completely different business model where energy and material flows are considered and nothing is wasted.  Companies making the change are showing that savings can be made both for the environment and in terms of increased profitability.  Secondary school students need exposure to the concepts underlying the circular economy in order to start changing behaviour and encouraging a paradigm shift.

Schools and school systems may have ignored the growing evidence in favour of studying the circular economy, fearing that it is a passing fad, or that there is no space for it in a crowded curriculum. However, there is increasing evidence that young people need to understand that this ‘new’ way of looking at resources, markets, production, waste, environment and economics is essential in a resource-limited world. So, what does the ideal curriculum for the future look like?

You can read the rest here.

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