In two recent blogs, junior climate change negotiators Prakriti Koirala from Nepal and Olivier Ishimwe from Rwanda share their experiences of working with Least Developed Country (LDC) senior negotiator mentors. They discuss how this experience improved their confidence, honed their skills and helped them focus their negotiating at COP27.

For junior negotiator Prakriti Koirala, the agreement reached at COP27 for a fund dedicated to loss and damage was momentous. Thrashing out the nitty gritty of how the fund will work and where the money will go is a crucial next step:

Read Prakriti’s blog, COP27: Negotiating for an outcome on loss and damage to support the most vulnerable

Olivier Ishimwe shares how he drew on advice and guidance to maximise his contribution as a junior climate negotiator at COP27:

Read Olivier’s blog, On the fast track to climate negotiating: learning from my mentor

These blogs come c/o IIED which is an independent policy and action research organisation whose mission is to build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others.

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