Business Connect has a feature titled: 4 Stark Realities Of The Global Water Crisis. This begins:
Everyday, millions of people take clean water for granted. We don’t give a second thought to taking a long shower or cleaning our cars. We bathe our children in crystal clear water and cool off with the hose. We drink tall, cold glasses of water, one after another, without worry about where our next glass will come from. We assume that our supply of water will never end, and we treat it in like manner. We know that water is a crucial part of our lives, and we know that we couldn’t survive without it, but we rarely think about those people who actually have to survive without clean water. In the United States, we’ve gotten a tiny taste of the global water crisis through the events in Flint, Michigan. Suddenly, men, women, and children find themselves without a reliable, clean source of drinking water. And even worse, some children are already experiencing adverse effects from the water.
The four realities are:
- #1 – Every 90 Seconds A Child Dies From A Water-Related Disease
- #2 – The Number Of People Without Clean Water Is Staggering
- #3 – The United States Consumes An Astonishing Amount Of Water Compared To The Rest Of The World
- #4 – The Global Water Crisis Is A Women’s Rights Issue
Although there is something of a USA focus, this article contains data and detail of relevance to us all. The article ends:
“The global water crisis is real and it isn’t a pretty picture. It affects billions of people, particularly women and children. And unfortunately, many of us in the United States are unaware of how much water we consume compared to the rest of the world. But there is good news. We truly can make a difference. We can bring about change. Despite the enormity of the crisis, change is happening. At Business Connect, we are proud to be part of that change.”