27th February 2023

DfE Snapshot – The next issue of the DfE’s Climate in Education Snapshot is now available.  It includes: An update on the investment DfE is making into Green Skills An update on the National Education Nature Park and Climate Action Award Scheme pilot An overview on DfE’s experience at SOS-UK’s Student Sustainability Summit The sharing of good practice…

20th February 2023

LFS – In Scotland, Learning for Sustainability (LfS) is a cross-curricular approach which sets out to enable learners, educators, schools and their wider communities to build a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society.  Where effective, it weaves together global citizenship, sustainable development education and outdoor learning to create coherent, rewarding and transformative learning experiences.  LfS is an important component of…

One School at a Time

Our Chair of Trustees has been reading and reviewing Leadership for Sustainability: saving the planet one school at a time, written by NAEE Trustee David Dixon, and published by Crown House Publishing, 2022: 250pp, paperback, £18.99, ISBN 978-1-78135-401-8.  The full review will appear shortly in the Spring 2023 issue of FORUM (volume 65, number 1), but is available here as…

13th February 2023

Addysg Addas i’r Dyfodol – The Education Fit for the Future in Wales report by Professor Calvin Jones in collaboration with the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, is a White Paper for discussion that calls for a match of the skills needed in the future with the education and qualifications system in Wales.  The Well-being of Future Generations Act…

Linear Thinking, Exponential Functions, and Steady State Systems – Part 2

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by…

6th February 2023

Green Steel Plus – NAEE’s curriculum resources are now available together on STEM Learning.  You’ll find them here. . Climate Ed in Parliament – Teach the Future’s Climate Education Bill had its first (formal) reading in the House of Commons at the end of January.  You can read the Bill’s summary here.  Its long title is: ‘A Bill to require matters relating to climate…