1. NAEE has published its Annual Review for 2016 / 17. You will find it here. The review sets out key developments in the year, reflections on the context in which our work is carried out, and commentaries on the 40th anniversary of the 1977 Tbilisi conference. It also contains contributions from Mya-Rose Craig, David Fellows, Melissa Glackin, Zach Hayes and Alan Kinder, most of which were published during the year either in the journal, Environmental Education, or on the website as blogs.
2. STEM Learning says that its CPD activities can help you develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to become a primary science specialist changing the way science is taught in your school. It said this about a recent activity in Ybor:
“This innovative programme combines practical science subject knowledge workshops with specially sequenced sessions that will enable you to support primary pupils’ learning effectively and initiate and lead change in your school. Teachers who are new to the role of science subject leader will find this course invaluable. This CPD activity will help you develop the skills and knowledge to become a primary science specialist and the confidence to change the way that science is taught in your school. You will enrich your own subject knowledge beyond that of KS2 to provide you with the bigger picture of children’s progression of learning in science.”
Maybe there will also an opportunity to extend environmental education into STEM activities.
3. Wales Environment Link (WEL) is a network of environmental, countryside and heritage non-governmental organisations with an all-Wales remit. Its vision is a healthy, sustainably managed environment and countryside with safeguarded heritage in which the people of Wales and future generations can prosper. You can download its manifesto here. It will not take you long to find out what it has to say about education.
4. The Garden Classroom [TGC] is a charity based in Islington, that sets out to provide urban children and adults with transformative outdoor experiences devised to encourage active lifestyles, promote self-discovery, inspire growth and stimulate respect for nature. It was awarded its first LOtC Quality Badge in September 2009, and Marnie Rose, the Garden Classroom CEO, says:
“TGC is committed to delivering and supporting the delivery of high quality learning in natural environments activity to inner London school children and beyond. TGC’s aims include reconnecting Londoners with the natural world, to cultivate an interest in nature and all the benefits this brings.”
Click here to read what LOtC has to say about the Garden Classroom, and what the Classroom has to say about the Quality Badge.
5. Back in October 2nd, and just over two months since Hope was unveiled in the Natural History Museum’s Hintze Hall, the Museum saw the blue whale’s millionth visitor. The museum says:
“Hope tells a powerful story about humanity’s relationship with the natural world. Blue whales, the largest creatures ever to have lived, were hunted to the brink of extinction and were one of the first species mankind decided to protect on a global scale. This initiative saw blue whale population numbers rise from just a few hundred to over 20,000.”
You can find out more here about workshops, science shows and self-led activities for students of all ages, with activities developed by professional science educators to support the national curriculum.
6. Sainsbury’s says that it is helping children understand the importance of reducing food waste and says it’s trying to do that itself:
“We’re working hard to cut food waste, and as part of our Waste less, Save more initiative, we’ve gone ‘back to school’ to launch the Fab Food scheme, which helps children, schools and families waste less food and save more money. Fab Foods gets pupils involved in reducing food waste in their schools, from measuring how much is thrown away to thinking up new ways to tackle the problem. The Fab Foods scheme has been trialled in schools up and down the country and has seen some fab results with the average school reducing food waste by 24% which has saved schools thousands of pounds a year.”
There’s more detail in the Fab Foods Pack where you’ll find action plans, worksheets and activities to make reducing food waste “fun and memorable”.
7. In a recent post on the The New Nature Movement blog, writes about how young people can help save the world by planting trees. 10 years ago, and with the support of children from over a hundred countries, Felix launched the child and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet. UNEP handed over the responsibility for the Billion Tree Campaign to the children of Plant-for-the-Planet. Now, the children are responsible for the official global tree counter, which has already recorded nearly 14 billion planted trees. Felix is studying in London. You can read the post here.
8. The latest research digest from the Children and Nature Network sets out a number of syntheses of evidence from research. The digest begins:
“Conclusions about impact cannot be drawn from one or sometimes even a few studies. We must synthesize across studies. Research summaries, systematic literature reviews (which use strict criteria for inclusion of studies and document rigor) and meta-analyses (which use statistical analyses to combine data about a common outcome across carefully chosen studies) are examples of ways to synthesize the evidence. They differ in specificity, objectivity, the degree to which they provide detail about individual studies, and their uses. However, all have value in helping us understand “what the literature says.”
9. The Thames Water for Wildlife project is coming to an end. The heart of this has been community involvement wth the aim of increasing people’s knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation of local freshwater habitats. This have been achieved through three initiatives: the Clean Water For Wildlife survey, surveys for freshwater wildlife, and training to help people develop their skills. Click here to read more about this, including what schools have been doing.
10. If you’re near Bonn on Friday, why not pop into Earth Day 2020: Innovative Approaches to Climate Change Education and Youth Empowerment for Climate Action.It’s on from 1500 to 1630 in Room 6, 323 Davos. Bonn. Speakers include:
- Kathleen Rogers, President, Earth Day Network
- Kenza Khallafi and Ahmed M’rabet Salmi, Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l’Environnement, Morocco
- James Close, World Bank
- Timothy Damon and Danae Espinoza, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges
- Jean Paul Brice, Association Actions Vitales Pour Le Développement Durable.
We’ll have more to say on this in a few days.
11. Global learning will feature on the other Webwatch posts this week. Here’s an early taste from the Global Learning Programme:
“Global learning can be described as an approach to learning about international development through recognising the importance of linking people’s lives throughout the world. There are several definitions of the term ‘global learning’ and ‘development education’. In the context of the Global Learning Programme, global learning encourages critical examination of global issues and an awareness of the impact that individuals can have on them. Schools participating in global learning recognise the impact that knowledge and understanding of development can bring to pupils’ learning across the curriculum.”