The theme of this year’s Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) conference is developing character outside the classroom.
It takes place on 26th November at the Gilwell Park Conference Centre in Epping Forest with a programme to help you reflect on this theme and improve your practice to windows product key ensure better outcomes for young people. You will be able to attend a series of practical workshops to help you to think about how LOtC can support personal development and build resilience.
This year’s workshop programme includes developing:
- independence and resilience on residentials
- character: Research by Demos and The Scout Association
- confidence on a farm residential
- a sense of place, pride and identity by exploring the historic built environment
- staff skills and confidence in the school grounds
- cultural awareness: Make your own museum
- confidence in the EYFS: Outdoor play, outdoor learning!
- risk awareness: Reducing risk in bush craft activities
- environmental awareness: The magic of minibeasts
As well as these workshops, the conference will also feature plenary presentations from Dame Julia Cleverdon, young people volunteering with the Children’s University, Jan Spencer of York St John University and Bus Stop Pre-School, the first LOtC Mark (Gold) pre-school setting.