Along with others interested in environment and sustainability, NAEE responded to Ofsted’s call for comments on its draft Inspection Framework. This was our response, and others can be seen here.
Ofsted says:
“The proposals generated a significant amount of interest. In total, we received more than 15,000 responses to the consultation. This included almost 11,000 responses to the online questionnaire, more than 600 responses by email and post, and more than 4,000 responses as a result of a campaign by YoungMinds. We received responses as a result of 2 smaller campaigns about young carers and Steiner schools but, given their scale, we have considered these as part of the main consultation response. Even without the campaign, this was the largest consultation in Ofsted’s history. This report summarises the responses to the consultation.”
These are extracts from the executive summary:
“The core proposals set out in the consultation – those relating to the proposed changes to the framework and key judgement areas – received an extremely positive response. More than three-quarters of respondents supported our introducing all new key judgements: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and personal development.”
“The focus of inspection will be on the real substance of education: the curriculum. Respondents to the formal consultation, and indeed the views gained from the informal consultation, overwhelmingly supported the proposal to introduce a new ‘quality of education’ key judgement for all remits. This will focus on what is intended to be learned through the curriculum, how well it is taught and assessed, and the impact it has on learners.”
“We will give greater recognition to education providers’ work to support the personal development of learners. Respondents overwhelmingly supported the proposal to create 2 separate judgements for ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour and attitudes’. The new ‘personal development’ judgement will consider what a provider does to help develop learners’ character, resilience and values and the provider’s advice and support to help learners succeed in life.”
“There will also be more focus on behaviour and whether education providers create an environment in which learners are able to learn. The new, separate judgement on ‘behaviour and attitudes’ will ask whether leaders, teachers and practitioners have high expectations for learners and implement these consistently and fairly. Inspectors will consider whether this is reflected in the behaviours and attitudes of learners. Inspectors will look particularly at whether providers tolerate bullying or harassment of learners and staff and how they deal with it swiftly and effectively.”
One of the most wide-ranging of responses was from the English Learning and Sustainability Alliance [ELSA]. These were its specific suggestions and requests:
- That Ofsted inspectors encourage reporting and look for evidence of learning for sustainability and suggest whole school approaches to it
- That Ofsted Inspectors look for integrated approaches to curriculum, behaviour and attitudes and personal development
- That Inspectors use the interview time with students to see how their education matches with their concerns about the future and the world
- That Ofsted suggests CPD for whole school approaches
- That Ofsted’s ‘quality of education’ judgements include educating for a socially responsible and sustainable world and link with Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan (and Bill) and DfID’s Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning and, so that SDG4 is reported on in a holistic way
Alas, Ofsted took no notice of ELSA, or of NAEE, NUS and others such as CLOtC, which is a missed opportunity for us all and for them.
The new framework is here, and their report on the consultation is set out here.