Last week we featured the NAEE response to Ofsted’s consultation on its proposed revisions to its inspection framework. This is the response by NUS to Ofsted:
“We welcome the proposal to introduce a quality of education judgement and to judge personal development separately from behaviour and attitudes. Specifically, we very much welcome the new focus on the three I’s, intent, implementation and impact.
This broader approach complements our work on sustainability in tertiary education, in which we are working to ensure that all students leave with the knowledge, skills, understanding and attributes to be leaders for sustainability. Our work in this area has been informed through our student skills survey (nine years and 80k respondents), a headline of which is that 60% of students want to learn more about sustainability. When unpacked, this is because young people are worried about the future of the environment but also want to get a job and know that green jobs are the future. [Survey details are here].
Working with the Green Schools Project, we have recently completed our first pupil’s survey, for years 5-13, which got c3k respondents. 70% of the students surveyed said they want to learn more about sustainability. [Survey details are here].
Given the environmental and sustainability is popular with students, we see it as enriching the curriculum, and something that positively contributes to student achievement. As such, in the personal development section of the inspection framework we would like the last point in 27 to add a reference to the environment (in underline):
- Inspectors will make a judgement on the personal development of learners by evaluating the extent to which:
- the provider prepares learners for life in modern Britain by: equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society and the natural world; developing their understanding of fundamental British values; developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity; celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law.
This might be supported by an additional point in the maintained schools and academies handbook in section 202 (in underline):
- This judgement focuses on the dimensions of the personal development of pupils that our education system has agreed, either by consensus or statute, are the most significant:
- Contributing positively to the natural world by understanding the impact of climate change and environmental degradation and playing an active role mitigating it.”