You can read the latest research bulletin from the North American Association for Environmental Education [NAAEE] here.
It covers the period from January to June 2015 and offers digests of research under these headings: behaviour / evaluation / teaching methods / sense of place / professional development. ChangeScale has worked with NAAEE and Stanford University to create this bulletin.
The introduction to the document says:
“… talented environmental educators everywhere are conducting fantastic programs that build on effective practice, from collaborating with communities to using hands-on strategies to make critical links between enhancing environmental awareness, building skills, and supporting informed action. Yet, many of these committed professionals don’t have time to keep up on the latest research studies, which may provide insight into how to improve the effectiveness of their work. We hope these Research Bulletins can help bridge the research-and-practice gap by summarizing recently reported research and help practitioners use the results to enhance their programs. This issue includes synopses of peer-reviewed journal articles that are particularly relevant for frontline environmental education practitioners.
We reviewed issues (published between January and June 2015) of a number of environmental education-related journals, including: Journal of Environmental Education, Environmental Education Research, Applied Environmental Education and Communication, Australian Journal of Environmental Education, International Journal of Science Education, Science Education, Visitor Studies, and Journal of Environmental Psychology. …”