Here are some highlights from Think Global’s recent activities:

1 – Speaker tour schedule is filling up

As mentioned in our last newsletter, between 26 February and 3 March we are organising a ‘social and solidarity economy’ speaker tour to coincide with Fairtrade Fortnight 2017. Working with our partners at Zaytoun, we’ve had a great response and the schedule for our three visitors from India and Palestine is filling up fast!
SUSY logoThink Global Programme Manager Catherine Richardson is organising the tour: “There are still a few slots left, so if you’re based in London or the South East and would like to host a visit from our speakers, please get in touch by Friday 20 January.” Email Catherine at

Bassema Barahmeh is a producer from Anza women’s cooperative, part of the Palestine Fair Trade Association, and Veena Nabar is a researcher on the co-operative sector in India, specifically the Andaman and Nicobar territory. We also have Lamis Zamzam visiting from Canaan Fair Trade, who will be accompanying Bassema. This tour is being organised as part of our EU-funded Susy project.

2 – Face-to-face workshops

In December, we held a one-day, face-to-face workshop on SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education) for School Improvement. We were delighted with the positive feedback we received. One participant commented: “I have taken lots away from today… I’ll definitely be looking at the resources on the websites… Lots of ideas for global links and embedding these into the curriculum”.  We will be running this course again in early March.  Full details of all our courses are provided on our Global Dimension website calendar – please do share this link with schools and teachers.

3 – Start The Change – few places left for schools to sign up

Start The Change - image of fern uncurlingThink Global is one of four European partners in this Erasmus-funded project which starts this month. We will be working with teachers and school students to understand young people’s views on extremism and their ideas for developing and promoting a more cohesive society. There is still time for schools to join the project – contact Sarah Williams ( for more details.  Find out more about Start The Change – and do share this widely with schools.

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