Exeter University says: “Explore the potential solutions to climate change and how they relate to the UN’s sustainable development goals.”
This is a free 4-week online course (
pgrade’ available. On the course “you will explore solutions to this global challenge, including mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering, which can help avoid the most dangerous climate changes and increase the resilience of societies and ecosystems to climate changes that cannot be avoided.” The topics covered are:- Climate Action
- Life on Land
- Life below Water
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
National Nestbox Week takes place each year from 14-21 February. It aims to encourage everyone to put up nest boxes in their local area in order to promote and enhance biodiversity and conservation of our breeding birds and wildlife. You can register for your free NNBW information pack, make or buy a nest box. Put it up and monitor and record what you see, sending your data to NNBW.
The NNBW website has all the detail and more.
There’s an ASE Teachmeet on March 7th (1700 to 1900) at the Open University in Milton Keynes organised by the ASE which says that it’s TeachMeets are
“an informal, fun and inspiring way for teachers to share ideas with one another. People come to share or just to listen. Those who want to share a resource, a teaching approach or any great idea to help teachers and their students do a short presentation. Come along and meet like-minded colleagues and be inspired!
Contact francesevans@ase.org.uk for more detail or sign up here.
The GA is offering the forthcoming courses:
- Integrating GIS into your GCSE and A level teaching
- Secondary geography: from good to outstanding
- Leading primary geography
You can check other GA CPD here.
Wildlife Watch says: Do you like learning all about wildlife? Do you like creating exciting projects, and thinking of new ways to help wildlife? Do something for nature and have a go at the Wildlife Watch awards! There are three levels to have a go at: the Hedgehog Award, the Kestrel Award and the Nature Ranger award, each with more and more challenges to test your nature knowledge. Complete them all, and become a real wildlife champion!
There is more detail here.
The British Science Association says that following British Science Week’s virtual race, Run the Solar System, it is announcing a new race for 2018: Run to the Deep. Produced in partnership with Six to Start, Run to the Deep will be an immersive running app which chronicles a journey from the sea surface to the Marianas Trench – the deepest know part of the ocean – as you run over a 10k distance.
It goes live during British Science Week (9-18 March) but you can sign up now to get all the latest updates. You can sign up here.

“By working with primary schools we’re able to encourage more outdoor learning in schools, nurture children’s connection with nature and increase knowledge and understanding of our trees and woodlands. These planting days provide a connection to nature experience to children, whilst providing real-life context to teach about the health benefits of being in a natural setting and environmental matters such as climate change. We use this experience, with support from the teachers involved, to ensure that the tree planting project is part of a wider, enjoyable, learning experience that supports the new national curriculum and encourages outdoor learning.”
Now that Dippy has been freed from suspended animation in London’s Natural History Museum, it will be touring the country. Here are this year’s dates:
- Dorset County Museum, 10 February – 7 May 2018
- Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 26 May – 9 September 2018
- Ulster Museum, 28 September 2018 – 6 January 2019
Arkive says that #LoveSpecies18 is your chance to show the world that an unloved or under-appreciated species really does need love and attention this Valentine’s Day. It asked conservation organisations from around the world to nominate a species that is often overlooked by the more cute, handsome and (supposedly) interesting members of the natural world.
Each organisation has written a blog explaining why their nominee deserves your vote and what you can do to help raise awareness and conserve their species. You can see the winner (which slithered into top spot) here.
The Foundation for Environmental Education is looking for a Senior Education Director at its international Head Office in Copenhagen. The Director will answer directly to the CEO and lead a team of four to six people. They will be responsible for the overall programme development, administration, supervision, and evaluation of Eco-Schools, LEAF, and YRE, and provide dotted line managerial oversight of the educational components in the two non-formal education programmes (Blue Flag / Green Key).
For more information about the position contact Daniel Schaffer, CEO of FEE: daniel@fee.global or Rikke Florager, Administrative Director: rikke@fee.global The deadline for applications is 16 March.