The Education for Sustainability MSc Team at London South Bank University invites you to its 21st anniversary celebratory conference on 13 January 2017. Speakers include …
Stephen Sterling, Professor of Sustainability Education at the Centre for Sustainable Futures, Plymouth University, who will deliver the keynote speech on the importance of Education for Sustainability (EfS) work in an age of global uncertainty.
Safia Minney, the founder of People Tree and a pioneer of sustainable fashion, who is recognised by the World Economic Forum as an Outstanding Social Entrepreneur. Safia will speak to us about her work, the challenges and barriers we face today and the role of education in creating social change.
Naomi Namara Karekaho, a successful LUSB alumnus who will share the impact of EfS in her work at the National Environment Management Authority in Uganda.
It’s free, and further information can be found here; registration details are here.