The problems that our sister organisation in North America [NAAEE] is having over its funding have now become clearer.  You can see the detail of the difficulties here, and this quote from NAAEE’s recent message to its members illustrates the significance of the problem the USA as a whole now faces:

“The Administration’s budget, as many of you know, was released last week, and included massive cuts for education, environmental protection, science, STEM, the arts, after school programs, social innovation, and so many other areas that enhance our work in environmental education to create a more just and sustainable future.  It also specifically cuts funding for environmental education in EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration], and other federal agencies that have supported environmental education, under every administration, for decades.”

As an organisation, NAEE has no view (negative or positive) on the Trump government.  We are, after all, a UK Educational Charity.

But we do have a view on environmental protection – we’re in favour of it; indeed, we think it vital.

And we have a view on the value of environmental education – we deem it crucial for the future of humans and the planet.

It’s really as simple as that.

Not all is lost, however, as all this has to pass a vote in Congress which does contain people who understand the importance of dealing with environmental issues in a sensible way.


Bill Scott

Chair of NAEE Trustees

1 Comment

  1. Well put Bill concise and to the point.
    We too over here in New Zealand have many similar issues to deal with especially how our water supply is cared for and our valued landscapes are used.

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