Countryside Classroom is looking for contributions to its newsletter which is circulated to around 12,000 teachers and other education professionals who are using food, farming and the natural environment to engage students and enhance their learning right across the curriculum. The CC says that “it’s the ideal vehicle to promote your activities to this audience.”

It is looking for input into one or more of these sections:

Features – stories about your work with schools, informing and inspiring  teachers about what they can do through Countryside Classroom. These items should have a newsy or topical slant, so recent successes or future plans are of particular interest. (100-200 words)

What’s new? – new or improved resources, new facilities, new services or other changes in your offer to schools. As this section is primarily intended to send readers back to the Countryside Classroom website, please ensure your new resources, or changes to your entry, have been loaded up on Countryside Classroom before the bulletin is circulated.

Events and Training – relevant events and training opportunities over the next few months, to be listed by area. Please provide date, title, location, a brief description and a link or contact for more information. (We cannot use images in this section.)

Notices – other items of interest such as competitions and awards, announcements and snippets of news.

Please send items to including relevant images, and web links for further information.


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