Exploring the environmental aspects of locality

Exploring the environmental aspects of locality as a response to curriculum change in Mongolia In the academic year 2014 and 2015, a major modification of the core curriculum of primary education has been introduced in every school in Mongolia. It has strong emphasis on encouraging different learning approaches, opposing traditional classroom teaching where didactic teacher…

Environmental education and special needs in South Africa

Tamlyn Hardy writes about the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Seabirds (SANCCOB) which is an international leader in oiled wildlife response, rehabilitation and chick-rearing; contributes to research which benefits seabirds; trains people to care for the birds and educates the public to develop behavioural change which benefits marine life and environment. I currently…

Emerging environmental science in early years education

Sue Dale Tunnicliffe, University College London, writes about environmental science in the early years. Research  Science is all around, an integral part of our world. Young children are intuitive scientists (Gopnik, 2009).  They observe, ask questions, investigate, collect data and work out what it means, forming an understanding, which is their basis for understanding their world. This…

Communication between children of Italy, England and Nepal

Our school is situated in Lombardia, in the North of Italy. This region is characterised by a continental climate with cold, snowy winters and warm, muggy summers. In recent years, there have been several sudden temperature changes and peculiar atmospheric events (strong winds, torrential rain etc.), that are absolutely unusual and have attracted the attention…