Pete Cooper
is a 23 year old naturalist who’s been “obsessed with wildlife since childhood and now heading out into a career in wildlife conservation.”  His key specialist areas and interests are in mammal and herptofauna ecology, captive breeding, reintroductions and ecological restoration, and the nature of conservation conflicts.  He’s also a keen nature writer and blogger.

His latest blog / podcast is about re-wilding about which he says:

“Rewilding is a hot topic in conservation. But what does it actually mean?  There’s an identity crisis afoot, as people struggle to put their finger on what it actually is. How different is it from ‘traditional’ conservation in restoring habitats and species? What do you define as a ‘natural’ process? Are species reintroductions an important part  of it, and what species determine whether it’s rewinding?  This podcast hopes to provide some answer to that. I’ll be travelling the length of the country speaking to practicioners, proponents and critics of rewilding to gauge their experience, opinion, and asking them “what is rewilding anyway?”

You can read and hear more here.

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