Communicate is the UK’s environmental communications conference, which is returning to Bristol in 2016. Those attending will all be asked to “walk a mile in someone else’ shoes and challenge ourselves to look at the world from another perspective.”
It’s taking take place at Bristol Zoo Gardens on November 2nd and 3rd.
The organisers say:
“We each see the world through our own lens, pieced together from a unique set of experiences, influences and presuppositions. For those of us working in the environmental sector, surrounding ourselves with like-minded lens wearers, the destructive forces facing the natural world stand out and dominate our view from our own particular angle. But what do these issues look like through a different eyepiece? Maybe it’s time we swap spectacles and take a peek at what other people are seeing and understanding when they look at our stories through altogether different frames.”
We like the idea and the image. You can register here.