NAEE publishes its journal: Environmental Education, 3 times a year. It is free to members.

It contains case studies and feature articles about how Environmental Education can be used to make learning and the curriculum come alive. You will also find reviews of the latest books, resources, conferences and workshops.

NAEE Journal

One edition each year is a print journal, which is usually produced in collaboration with another environmental education organisation.  The other two editions are e-journals which come to members as pdfs.  NAEE members have exclusive access to our current journals.

The Autumn 2024 edition [ Vol 135 ] is now available for members.

This edition has a particular focus on flight. Its contents include:

  • Wild skies: behind the scenes – Henricus Peters
  • the new platform for birding – Chris van der Heijden
  • Photography Portfolio – The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
  • Bats are brilliant – Naomi Webster
  • Member profile: On environmental education and togetherness – Suzanne Welch
  • Journey inside a humpback whale with Whale and Dolphin Conservation – Lorna Hall
  • Sharks and chips: shark and ray conservation faces significant problems worldwide – Rachel Ann Hauser-Davies
  • The climate crisis is a connection crisis – Molly Hucker
  • Stories to learn the world! – Michelle Parkes
  • Building digital bridges: the enterprise bringing together the world’s islands – Vincent Diringer
  • Tasting with all the senses: the role education can play in forming sustainable diets – Helena Buckley

Why not write for Environmental Education?

We welcome articles, photos and book reviews from NAEE members, supporters and readers.  We are especially interested in case studies of outdoor education, field work, forest schools etc, in primary or secondary schools and colleges.  500 words per page – max 3 pages. Photos should be as high resolution as possible, sent as separate jpeg attachments, and you must have the written permission of the picture taker.

The NAEE Editorial Team is Henricus Peters, Juliette Green, Helena Kruder and Elsa Lee.  For more information, or to send ideas, please email