c/o The Guardian, here is a letter that “ten leading UK charities concerned with protection of the environment”   sent to the Prime Minister late last month.  

The authors say they …

are writing to raise a major concern.  On the basis  of the decisions made by your ministers in the first period of this government, we have concluded that  early policy choices being made are running counter to the strong intentions you outlined in  your pre-election climate pledges and in your manifesto.”

The Guardian article also carries a response from the Department of Energy and Climate Change which says:

“The government has been clear that our priority is to reduce emissions in the most cost-effective way, keeping bills as low as possible for hardworking families and businesses.  As a result of world-leading levels of investment in the UK we have seen the cost of many forms of renewable electricity decrease significantly – in those circumstances it is right that we should seek to spend less, rather than more of consumers’ money subsidising these forms of energy.”

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