Welcome to the NAEE Member Page. This section of the website is for the exclusive use of members.

You will find on this page current editions of our journal, Environmental Education, which you can download and store locally.  If you want to see previous editions of the journal, please go to the Journal page of the website.  For all enquiries about NAEE, including about membership, please contact us.

Recent News Update

The latest NAEE journal [EE135] is now on-line and members should have all now received their paper copies in the post. This is the first ever completely youth-led edition of our journal, with articles from young people from Teach the Future and Students Organising for Sustainability UK .

Following our weekly news round ups and blogs will keep you in touch with activities.

The NAEE registered office is: NAEE, Department of Education, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY.  The contact email address is: info@naee.org.uk.

NAEE’s Journal

The National Association has been publishing its journal, Environmental Education, since 1972 when NAEE was created from the National Rural and Environmental Studies Association [NRESA]. Prior to this, NRESA had its own journal which became the template for Environmental Education. That great environmental educatorSean Carson, edited both of these.

A full set of journals is held in our registered office at the University of Bath, and the journal can be found in a few university libraries. This website has PDFs of the journal beginning at Vol 97 (2011) and these are freely available to download.

Green Apple Award

NAEE received a Green Apple Award for environmental best practice. Our submission for the award is to be included in The Green Book, an international work of reference. The Awards began in 1994 and provide recognition for environmental endeavour among companies, councils, communities and countries and are organised by The Green Organisation – an international, independent, non-political, non-profit group.  This year, there were 500 nominations for the Environmental Best Practice award which were presented in November at the House of Commons.