Inspiring the Next Generation of Natural Historians

Stephanie West, Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum Back in 2011 the House of Lords discussed the ‘Taxonomic Skills Shortage’. This followed years of discussion within natural history: our natural historians are ageing, where is the next generation, who will continue this work? Historically the UK has had a wealth of amateur and professional naturalists, able…

Waiting for Superman? Time to wake up

Today’s blog is the latest in a series from Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability.  As ever, with our blogs, Richard’s views are not necessarily shared by…

April 5th 2021

Digital Storytelling – Students in the London Schools Eco Network [LSEN] have traveled to the year 2050 to report back on their hopes and fears for the future. You can see their multimedia letters from the future on YouTube. These were produced through a digital storytelling workshop organised by Bill Finnegan, a doctoral researcher at the University…